How to Apply to the Beginner Coding Bootcamp

Use this step-by-step guide to start the admissions process for our Beginner Coding Bootcamp. Your career change journey starts now!

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At this time, Hack Reactor cannot accept student applications from residents of New Mexico, Nevada or North Dakota 

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You’ve Already Started (Keep Going!)

Researching your beginner coding bootcamp online means you’ve already taken the first step toward a new career.

Next, find out if your interests, skills, and passions align with our Beginner Full-Time Coding Bootcamp, where you’ll learn JavaScript, Python, and so much more.

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The Admissions Process

How to Apply (4 Steps)

Create an account in seconds, apply in less than 20 minutes, and meet with our team to determine if this program is right for you.

This page contains admissions process information for our full-time beginner program only. For another option, learn about the admissions process for our intermediate program. If you’re still undecided on which program is right for you, read through our program comparison.


Talk 1:1 with an Enrollment Advisor

Pick the date and time that works for you. Our Enrollment Advisors can answer any questions you have and walk you through next steps.

Schedule a 1:1 Call with an Advisor

Ready to Apply?

Here’s everything you’ll need to successfully navigate the admissions process and start the bootcamp ready to learn.

Attitude and approach

  • You’re excited to embark on a challenging and rewarding journey toward a new career.
  • You’re interested in and have researched what it means to be a professional software engineer.
  • You’re ready to work incredibly hard on an individual level and to collaborate with your classmates in ways that mirror professional environments.
  • You know when to ask for help, and you’re open to accepting it from your instructors, classmates, and career advisors.


  • You can show up on time and participate in weekday classes from 9am – 5pm for 16 weeks.
  • You understand this course is live and online and will require a computer, a reliable WiFi connection, being on camera during class sessions, and a quiet place to work.
  • You’ve read through our tuition options and understand your best route forward.
  • You have a plan for how to cover living expenses while in the program.

How To Enroll After You’re Accepted

Once you’ve been accepted into the program, your enrollment advisor will be in touch regarding the next steps, and within 48 business hours after that conversation, we’ll send you an enrollment agreement. You’ll need to sign and return that, pay your $100 non-refundable deposit, and secure financing.

After you’ve been accepted into the program and paid your deposit, we’ll provide you with some primer materials in the weeks leading up to your start date. These will help you review high school math and computer literacy. You’re highly encouraged to complete these, as they’ll help get you into the right mindset before the first day of the program.

At this point, all you need to do is prepare your quiet work space and make sure your schedule is cleared so you can start fresh and ready to learn on the first day and moving forward.

More Questions?

Take a look through our FAQs, or schedule a 1:1 call with one of our Enrollment Advisors. They’re ready to take your questions and guide you through the admissions process.

Schedule call

Apply in 20 Minutes or Less

Complete your application in less than 20 minutes by answering a few questions about your background and professional goals.

Apply now!